
Forrest gump 1986
Forrest gump 1986

forrest gump 1986

The researchers encoded a lot of changes made from the original story influenced by political economy factors which was later explained by Ms. In this study, the researchers used the Political Economy of Structuration theory to identify and analyze the changes made from the textserye to film influenced by the four political economy factors: nature of the platform, rules of the platform, language used, and consumers. They also picked the transmedia narrative, “Vince & Kath & James” as they later found that it was the first viral textserye in the Philippines ever to become a film. Upon discovering that only a few studies have been done on transmedia, the researchers were resolute on to exploring the phenomenon for their study, while analyzing how the political economy influenced the changes of the transmedia narrative. The researchers had come across a local study by Tessalonica Gayanes titled, “She’s Dating the Gangster: A Transmedia Narrative and its Political Economy”, where she studied the transmediality of the story as it moved across different platforms and analyzed its political economy. Furthermore, this paper demonstrates that such hyperlinking, through highlighting their mistaken or naïve beliefs, can add an ironic sub-text to a fictional character’s thoughts and utterances thus creating Historiographic Metafictional narratives that serve an entertainingly complex yet truly educational purpose. This paper draws on examples from the author’s own creative writing, being a full-length e-novel about contemporary Indigenous Australian race relations and the Aboriginal Tent Embassy, to develop Hutcheon’s concept to a new level of legitimacy. In addition to illustrating Roland Barthes’s 1977 maxim that “the text is a tissue of quotations drawn from the innumerable centres of culture” (146) and which therefore demands the use of academic-style references if credibility is to be established, this paper will address the problem Hutcheon identifies in that for many readers the entirety of HM assumes questionable veracity due to its illegitimate personages. This paper addresses that shortfall by exploring the potential for authors of HM e-novels to use hyperlinks which immediately direct the reader to fact-confirming webpages such as Wikipedia. But there is a conceptual gap in Hutcheon’s theory given her inability to predict e-publishing. They can be so engaging that the overtly intertextual, explicitly inventive work of HM can even change the “hegemonic discourse of history” (Nunning 353). Such adventurous authorial strategies result in “novels which are both intensely self-reflexive and yet paradoxically also lay claim to historical events and personages” (Hutcheon, A Poetics 5). illegitimate) characters into narratives that are intended to be read as authentic and historically accurate (i.e. Historiography Metafiction (HM) is a literary term, first coined by Linda Hutcheon in 1988, which refers to the postmodernist author’s practice of inserting imagined (i.e.

Forrest gump 1986